
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Father recovered from illness due to the diet of Holy Prophet ﷺ

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Desire of becoming rich: If someone desires to become rich, then his expense should be 1/3rd of his income (Jersey Beacon).                                                                                     

Father recovered from illness due to the diet of Holy Prophet ﷺ


Respected Hazrat Hakeen Sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikum! The age of my father is around 80 years. Due to weak nerves he often urinates in the bed. He does not use western medicines. Upon advice of doctor, we got a course of injections to give him strength. He remained alright for few months but, again the weakness attacked. Now doctors said to give him good food but father was not eating anything. He would have even half piece of bread with lot of difficulty. He was only surviving on water. I was in search of such a thing which was not hard to eat and did not make the stomach heavy, but carries all the ingredients to give strength and was pleasant to eat also. Searching, my search ended finally at the Ubqari medical outlet. It so happened that I came to Lahore market of Shah Alam from Sialkot and while I was coming out, I saw the Ubqari medicines board over there, I went to them and told them about my problem and they said that I should go to Mozang Chungi where the medical store of Ubqari is located. They said to take the father over there and Insha’Allah, Allah Almighty will have mercy. I reached Ubqari medical clinic and assistant hakeem sahib was available and I met him and explained the problem of my father, as father could not travel due to old age, therefore, I went alone. Assistant sir suggested Ubqari talbeenah (oat porridge) and bed urine cure medicine. I took six packs of talbeenah (oat porridge) and bed urine cure and came to my house in Sialkot. The first day I prepared Ubqari talbeenah (oat porridge) and gave it to my father, he ate it while enjoying it, he liked the taste of talbeenah (oat porridge) a lot and I thanked Allah Almighty that atleast he liked talbeenah (oat porridge). I started giving the bed urine cure medicine to my father also, and he feels a lot of strength in his body, he even offers Salah while standing and his urinating in bed has reduced considerably (Ashraf Zia Sialkot).


I found a solution for the illness of my son

Respected Hazrat Hakeen Sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikum! My son is now 18 years old and now lot of pimples have started appearing on his face. I understood that he is an adult now as when I entered adulthood, I also faced such problems like pimples on the face and other things like sudden ejaculation. Now a days there is a Hakeem Sahib in our town and my father took me to him and told me to explain him my problem, I was feeling ashamed but father said that son, there is no need to be ashamed and you tell about all the problems to Hakeem Sahib, which I did. My son had become an adult and he had similar problems. I called my son and started talking to him and he was feeling shy before me also, but he explained his problem and I encouraged him and said that son, I will bring medicine for you and you use it regularly and protect your eyes from looking at bad things and insha Allah, all the illnesses will be cured. I was a reader of Ubqari since long and I knew which medicine of Ubqari will be beneficial for my son, therefore, I brought “Youth Tablets” from Ubqari Dawakhana and made my son to use it. Masha Allah now, face of my son has become reddish and shiny and his health has also improved, all this is due to the cure medicines of Ubqari Dawakhana and is result of its Barakat (Sheikh Afzal, Lahore)





Layer of dryness was removed from the body, high blood pressure became normal

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikum! Layer of dryness use to deposit on my body when the winters would start. I used a lot of medicines due to which I became a patient of high blood pressure. I use to get simple food prepared for myself separately in my home, as doctors have prohibited me to use oily food and told me if I take it then I will become heart patient. I got associated with Ubqari magazine only two years back, it happened as I went to meet a friend in his office and in his waiting room a lot of magazines were lying, which had pictures of ladies on their covers, in these magazines, there was one Ubqari magazine which did not have any such picture on it, I picked it and started reading, I read it for 10 minutes and I became interested in it. After meeting my friend and while returning home I purchased Ubqari magazine from a newspaper stall and read it upon reaching home, it contained writing about desi ghee. Next day I reached the Ubqari medical store and bought 1 KG packing of desi ghee and when I came to my house, I told my wife that everything cooked for me must be in desi ghee of Ubqari. My wife initially insisted that doctors have prohibited you from use of ghee and oil. I said you just cook everything for me in desi ghee. I used it for one week and the layer of dryness upon my body started going away. I started applying desi ghee on my head, and nose besides eating it. I got amazing results. In the morning, bread cooked in desi ghee had such delicious taste that I recalled my childhood. Now in our home ordinary ghee is not used and all the family uses desi ghee of Ubqari.

 Complaints of readers regarding medicines of Ubqari: Readers complain that the colour of syrup or of honey is dark at times, sometimes light and its viscosity is sometimes more or diluted: Taste is either more or less bitter! The colours of the powder of medicines also vary. Similarly many complaints! Actually readers! Medicines prepared by hand have a complete and comprehensive effect. Medicines prepared by machines are of its own type, this variation is neither in air nor in the effect of medicine but it is due to the weather as it is sometimes hot and sometimes cold and sometimes it melts the ingredients or shrinks them.


Complaints of readers regarding medicines of Ubqari: Readers complain that the colour of syrup or of honey is dark at times, sometimes light and its viscosity is sometimes more or diluted: Taste is either more or less bitter! The colours of the powder of medicines also vary. Similarly many complaints! Actually readers! Medicines prepared by hand have a complete and comprehensive effect. Medicines prepared by machines are of its own type, this variation is neither in air nor in the effect of medicine but it is due to the weather as it is sometimes hot and sometimes cold and sometimes it melts the ingredients or shrinks them.

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